Difference Between Nasonex and Flonase

Man hand with a bottle of medication for runny nose during allergy

Nasonex and Flonase are both nasal sprays and allergy medications that are used to treat nasal allergy symptoms (or all by reducing inflammation caused by corticosteroids. They are both FDA-approved to treat seasonal and year-round allergies, and are generally considered equally effective and safe. Nasonex requires a prescription due to its active ingredient of Mometasone (steroid medication).

Key Takeaways

  • There are no major differences between Nasonex and Flonase aside from the fact that Nasonex is prescription only. And will require the medical prescription from a primary care physician in the treatment of allergy symptoms.

  • Both Nasonex and Flonase are given in similar dosage amounts. There is no “stronger” or “more effective” brand of the nasal spray. However, some people choose Nasonex out of preference aside from anything else.

Nasonex vs. Flonase (Comparison Table)

Here is a table breaking down the key similarities and differences between Flonase and Nasonex:





Over-the-counter (OTC)

Prescription only

Active Ingredient




Hay fever, perennial allergic rhinitis, allergies

Hay fever, perennial allergic rhinitis, allergies; FDA approved for nasal polyps


Equally effective for treating allergic rhinitis

Equally effective for treating allergic rhinitis

Side Effects

Headache, stinging, burning or bleeding in the nose, sore throat, watery eyes; Potential growth rate slowing in children

Headache, stinging, burning or bleeding in the nose, sore throat, watery eyes


Flonase Allergy Relief: 0.05mg (50 microgram) per spray; Children's Flonase: 0.05mg (50 micrograms) per spray; Flonase Sensimist Allergy Relief: 0.0275mg (27.5microgram) per spray

0.05mg (50 micrograms) per spray

Age Limit

Flonase Allergy Relief and Children's Flonase: Not for children under four; Flonase Sensimist Allergy Relief: For children aged two to four

For adults and children over the age of two

Bottom Line

Both equally effective and safe; choice may depend on personal preference, availability, or price

Both equally effective and safe; prescription requirement and availability may influence choice

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  1. FDA. (2018). Drug label information for Nasonex. Retrieved from https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda_docs/label/2018/020762s053lbl.pdf

  2. FDA. (2019). Drug label information for Flonase. Retrieved from https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda_docs/label/2019/020121s045lbl.pdf

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